Mckinney’s Consolidated Laws of New York Annotated. Agriculture and Markets Law. Chapter 69. Of the Consolidated Laws. Article 7. Licensing, Identification and Control of Dogs. § 115. Pounds and shelters

Primary Citation: McKinney’s Agriculture and Markets Law § 115
Alternate Citation: NY AGRI & MKTS § 115
Date Adopted: 1978

Summary: This New York statute provides that no municipality shall be required to expend in any calendar year for dog control officer and pound or shelter services undertaken pursuant to this article, an amount of money greater than it receives during such year pursuant to this article and any local law or ordinance enacted pursuant thereto.

No municipality shall be required to expend in any calendar year for dog control officer and pound or shelter services undertaken pursuant to this article, an amount of money greater than it receives during such year pursuant to this article and any local law or ordinance enacted pursuant thereto.


(Formerly § 116, added L.1978, c. 220, § 2. Renumbered § 115, L.2010, c. 59, pt. T, § 9, eff. Jan. 1, 2011.)


2011 Electronic Update

Former Sections

Former § 115, relating to pounds and shelters, was renumbered § 114 by L.2010, c. 59, pt. T, § 9, eff. Jan. 1, 2011.
Another former § 115, added L.1929, c. 173, § 2; amended L.1960, c. 389, and repealed L.1978, c. 220, § 1, related to night quarantines and is now covered in part by section 121.

Another former § 115, which related to killing dogs which attacked animals, was added L.1922, c. 48; repealed L.1929, c. 173, § 1; and is now covered by § 123.